Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Fathers and Sons Essay
 At long last the Monster’s capacity to move himself all around starting with one setting then onto the next, disregarding his undeniable physical appearance and confinements is something which the creator leaves basically unexplored. As a result the peruser is reminded this is fiction. Be that as it may, the subjects of Frankenstein †partiality, information, aspiration, bad form and parental duty †are natural and serve to divert the peruser from the fictionality of the novel. Society’s failure to see the genuine reality underneath the appearance is a focal topic. The Monster isn't decided by his activities, for example, sparing the suffocating young lady yet rather by his peculiar and startling appearance. The impression of the people to whom he comes into contact is mutilated, and excepting the visually impaired, elderly person De Lacy who makes a decision about him by his notions, they assault as opposed to acknowledge him. Society’s partiality against that which is unique (physical, strict, social assorted variety) is a topic to which perusers can relate. Achievement of information is another key topic to which the peruser can relate. Walton, Victor and the Monster all start their accounts by imparting a longing to clarify their general surroundings, albeit each has an alternate core interest. Walton and Victor’s hunger for information is self-important and driven with appalling results. The Monster’s by correlation is straightforward and unadulterated and driven by need. Through the De Lacy’s he finds out about affection, satisfaction and consideration and how to ‘unravel the mystery’ of language (Frankenstein, page 89). Through this topic Shelley attracts us to acknowledge that confused information is more terrible than no information by any means. In the event that we think about current logical turns of events (IVF and human cloning), the moral ramifications as distinguished in Frankenstein, are similarly as significant today. The dismissal for essential human rights and fairness is a subject that develops all through the novel. Equity, parental duty, abuse, the privilege to instruction and friendship are totally tended to by Shelley. The treachery of Justine’s execution; the dismissal of kids by their folks (Justine, Safie and the Monster); the Monster’s want for adoration and love, are for the most part emotive issues to which the peruser can interface. As an outcome of the author’s utilization of unmistakable topics we are attracted and end up tolerating the unlikely setting in which they are set. Shelley’s characters loan themselves to the sentimental and gothic types. Their characterisation is generalized, two-dimensional and to a great extent lacking. These characters serve not avoid us from their fictionality however praise rather the passionate, disastrous and fatalistic tone of the novel. Justine, Elizabeth, Safie and Agatha are impressions of the upright lady, naturally flawless as they have not been spoiled by sexual encounters or parenthood. The Monster by differentiate is anything but a full fledged individual however a degradation of the human structure. Shelley consolidates different characters not with the end goal of authenticity yet to play out an utilitarian job inside the novel. The most huge of these characters is William. He is a lacking character but his demise serves numerous abstract implications. His characterisation pushes the plot ahead (his demise makes the open door for Victor to come back to Geneva); assists with creating topics (preference, political and vengeance) and empowers us to see progressively about the significant characters. Walton is seemingly separate from different characters inside the novel, as having the capacity once confronted with a pitiable picture of his future self, to develop as the ‘single more astute individual’ (The Realist Novel, page 80). In any case, the duplication and multiplying of the male characters inside Frankenstein †Victor and Walton (through their aspiration and hunger for information) and Victor and the Monster (through shadowing of God and Man/Satan, Paradise Lost) †drives the peruser to reason that regardless of their stamped contrasts, their destiny will be the equivalent, ‘ultimately, disappointment and death’ (The Realist Novel, page 80). Before the finish of the novel Victor and probably the Monster are dead, while Walton albeit coming back to England has no doubt not deserted his expectation of ‘utility and glory’ (Frankenstein, page 184). Frankenstein like the Monster is a half and half (blend of sorts). Regardless of Shelley’s utilization of pragmatist shows to portray genuine issues, Frankenstein is without a doubt a branch of Romanticism, the gothic novel. The outflow of the creative mind through extraordinary occasions, baffling settings and sinister symbolism are on the whole highlights of this sort. I would contend along these lines that in spite of the fact that Frankenstein doesn't adequately attract us to keep us from speculation â€Å"this is fiction†, this was at last not the author’s point. Shelley rather was resolved to making a dramatist ghastliness, a sci-fi that would empower the peruser to investigate the sub-cognizant and the standards at the core of human instinct. List of sources: Shelley. M, Frankenstein 1818 content (1998) Oxford University Press (World Classics). Walder. D (ed. ), The Realist Novel (2005) The Open University. Moving toward Prose Fiction, (2002) The Open University. ? X0499126 Steve Lenaghan 1 Show review just The above see is unformatted text This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley area.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
“A Raisin In A Sun†by Lorraine Hansberry Essay
I have a dream†¦ â€Å"A dream profoundly established in the American Dream.†â€Å"I have a fantasy that one day this country will ascend and live without the genuine importance of its ideology: â€Å"we hold these realities to act naturally clear: that all me are made equal.†â€Å"I have a fantasy that my four kids will one day live in a country where they won't be judge by the shade of their skin yet by the substance of their character.†â€Å"I have a fantasy that one day minimal dark young men and dark young ladies will have the option to hold hands with white young men and white young ladies are walk together as sisters and brothers.†Martin Luther King Jr. In the play â€Å"A Raisin In A Sun†by Lorraine Hansberry is basically about dreams, including the American Dream. The play happens around the 1950’s in Chicago’s south side, when isolation was still near. In this play you meet a cast of individuals with dreams of a superior life that looks at the novel â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†with Martin Luther King’s discourse â€Å"I Have a Dream.†It Analyzes the comparable subjects found in play like racial foul play, financial separation, dream satisfaction and the way that it happens during a similar time. There are numerous viewpoints that are talked about in both â€Å" A Raisin in the Sun†and â€Å"I have a dream†discourse. Maybe the most significant of those are racial unfairness, financial separation, solidarity, and the battles for the American dream. In this play there are a wide range of dreams, Mama’s dream is to make a superior life for her family. The American dream, which is the possibility of accomplishment that includes possessing a house, having the option to give a superior life to your family and to achieve certain material items. Mama’s dream is the American fantasy about moving her family out the little confined house and into a greater house, that is ideal for a group of five with a yard youngsters can play and where she can tend a nursery. For some African Americans during the 1950’s â€Å"The American dream†was to be dealt with similarly and before that their fantasy was opportunity, a conclusion to slavery.Martin Luther King’s celebrated â€Å"I Have a Dream Speech†and the play â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†have numerous likenesses. The two of them have theâ desire for high contrast fairness. They additionally need to roll out an improvement and live the manner in w hich they feel is directly for them to live. The two of them ready to take risks in doing as such and accomplish by attempting. A Raisin in the Sun and â€Å"I Have a Dream†discourse both arrangement with numerous issues yet none more significant than foul play. Bigotry was the main driver of all the separation and foul play African Americans confronted. Martin Luther King Jr. discourse and Lorraine Hansberry both are instances of the destitute opportunity of dark American and both talk reality of the real factors of life and dreams for the eventual fate all things considered. Much after numerous long stretches of African Americans being discharged from subjugation and turned out to be free Americans, they were as yet treated the equivalent and that they are not in reality free until the individuals are altogether equivalent in any case to skin shading. Walter Lee and Martin Luther King Jr. both make similar focuses on the grounds that the two of them have their huge dreams and are eager to effectively make their fantasies work out as expected. A fantasy is to imagine another life or trademark that could be preferable or more terrible over what the individual as of now has. On account of a great many people it is a fantasy that is sure. Individuals mostly are narrow minded visionaries who dream just about themselves yet there are some who long for the world or others, for example, loved ones. Two instances of these kinds of visionaries are Mama and Martin Luther King Jr. In Dr. King’s discourse he raises that his fantasy isn't just for him yet additionally for others with a similar issue. He is a mindful visionary, one who accepts others start things out then him. Mother is this sort of visionary since her fantasies are for her family and the prosperity of them. Despite the fact that Mama’s dream isn't as profound or persuasive as Dr. Lord, it is as yet a non-egotistical dream. Mama’s dream was to get a house that was progressively reasonable to live in then the present house that the Youngers live in. Which was filthy and little. They were confined up and exceptionally awkward, it was disobediently not an appropriate house for five individuals and a child in transit. In this manner Mama’s fantasy about having better living characteristics was a shrewd venture. â€Å"Them houses they set up for hued in them territories way out all appear to cost twice as much as different houses. She found a pleasant house at a decent cost in a White neighborhood; white neighborhoods had greater and less expensive homes at that point dark neighborhoods. She found the best arrangement as she said her self: I did the best I could†(Act 2. Scene 1.93) Mama thinks she picked the best alternative for the family and she did. This can be identified with Marin Luther King Jr.’s dream as well.He longed for an existence where dark and whites and all races would live in harmony. He imagined that there would be no detest in view of skin tone or spot of cause. He imagined that â€Å"We can't be fulfilled up to a Negro’s essential portability is from a littler ghetto to a bigger one†(â€Å"I Have a Dream†by Martin Luther King Jr.) By this line he implied that they ought not quit battling for equivalent rights until they move out of minimal rural regions delegated ghettos. By and by that discourse can identify with Walter Lee, when he at long last stands firm in his â€Å"manly hood†and shows his pride in his family. The story finished as him being the leader of the family since he took control and turned into a family man by dismissed a proposal from a white agent to avoid a white neighborhood and to remain with all blacks. When Travis grins up at his dad; this is when Walter Lee has an unexpected difference in heart. He discloses to Mr. Lindner that his relatives are plain glad individuals and how his dad functioned for a considerable length of time as a worker, which his dad fundamentally earned the ideal for his family to move into their new home in Clybourne Park. They have made significant progress and buckled down why turned it down, they have earned it, its solitary charge. Walter acknowledges and rediscovers his self-esteem, Self-regard and confidence and he demonstrates this when he said to Mr. Lindner that â€Å"the 6th era of our family in this country.†He at last recovers his own pride, shields his family’s authentic option to be dealt with reasonably in their nation, and to secure his family’s respect. The two of them mirror the conditions that African Americans needed to experience to get balance from separation and segregation.It was evident that in the two records of dreams that there was an opportunity to strike and in the two records that time was currently. Both the Youngers and dark individuals of the Civil Rights Movement had one basic dream covered up by numerous materialistic wants: nobility, uniformity, and progress. Dr. Lord stated, â€Å"I have a fantasy today!†Walter Younger needs to make a business bargain that could assist him with acquiring respect, fairness, and progress for his family, and the protection cash that Mama will get is a once in a blue moon bargain. An uncommon chance, that makes the way for recommendations that could enable his family to obtain those characteristics. Both Walter and Dr. Ruler are telling their families and supporters that the ideal opportunity for change is presently and that change is a now or never deal.While one was genuine and one was not, the longing, dreams, and battles referenced in the discourse coordinated those of the novel flawlessly. Martin Luther King and the characters of â€Å"A Raisin In A Sun†had similar aspirations, which incorporated a superior life for people in the future, freedom from the out of line day to day environments of African-American residents, and the significance on the direness important for causing these fantasies to occur. The two pieces spoke to a battle, one for a family, and one for a gathering of millions. Just as wars against disparity, bad form, and injustice were won.Mama truly speaks to Rosa Parks since she goes about as a pioneer all through the story. The two of them supported what they had confidence in. Mom making some noise gave he boldness and insight. The mental fortitude Rosa Parks had was the point at which she got captured for declining to surrender her seat on an isolated transport due to what she accept and in the human rights. Much the same as Mama when she defended her better half, when Walter Lee was not setting a model for his privileges. She didn’t not need him to take Mr. Lindner offer of cash in return of his family not to moving in to its fantasy house in a white neighborhood since she had faith in her and her family’s rights. Hence she likewise went to bat for what she has confidence in and the human rights.The Great Migration was a period in American history where blacks moved north to get away from the Jim Crow laws and partiality of the South. The social liberties development brought edification towards the abolishment of isolation laws. In spite of the fact that the laws are gone, one may ask, â€Å"does isolation despite everything exist? â€Å" Truly it does yet our isolation issues now aren’t pretty much race. They’re about salary as well, and the snare of associations between being poor and a non-white individual in the city. In addition to the fact that people are isolated by race and by pay, implying that non-white individuals are probably going to live with others of shading and destitute individuals are probably going to live with needy individuals. For instance in East Harlem there isn’t actually any solid spots to eat simply cheap food and the grocery stores are pricy. If you somehow managed to go downtown were rich individuals live through have an assortment of solid spots to eat that is reasonable just as their markets like Trader Joes. In today’s society one can concur with Walter Lee that life presently is about cash, t is currently the rich versus the poor.In the starting o
Friday, August 21, 2020
How Selective Attention Works
How Selective Attention Works Theories Cognitive Psychology Print How We Use Selective Attention to Filter Information and Focus By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 31, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 06, 2019 Verywell / Emily Roberts More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Selective Visual Attention Selective Auditory Attention Theories of Selective Attention Filter Model Attenuation Theory Memory Selection Model Resource Theory Observations View All Back To Top Selective attention is the process of focusing on a particular object in the environment for a certain period of time. Attention is a limited resource, so selective attention allows us to tune out unimportant details and focus on what matters. This differs from inattentional blindness, which is when you focus hard on one thing and fail to notice unexpected things entering your visual field How Does Selective Attention Work? At any given moment, we are subjected to a constant barrage of sensory information. The blare of a car horn from the street outside, the chatter of your friends, the click of the keys as you type a paper for school, the hum of the heater as it keeps your room warm on a brisk autumn day. But in most cases, we dont pay attention to each and every one of these sensory experiences. Instead, we center our attention on certain important elements of our environment while other things blend into the background or pass us by completely unnoticed. So how exactly do we decide what to pay attention to and what to ignore? Imagine that you are at a party for a friend hosted at a bustling restaurant. Multiple conversations, the clinking of plates and forks, and many other sounds compete for your attention. Out of all these noises, you find yourself able to tune out the irrelevant sounds and focus on the amusing story that your dinner partner shares. How do you manage to ignore certain stimuli and concentrate on just one aspect of your environment? This is an example of selective attention. Because our ability to attend to the things around us is limited in terms of both capacity and duration, we have to be picky about the things we pay attention to. Attention acts somewhat like a spotlight, highlighting the details that we need to focus on and casting irrelevant information to the sidelines of our perception. In order to sustain our attention to one event in everyday life, we must filter out other events, explains author Russell Revlin in his text Cognition: Theory and Practice. We must be selective in our attention by focusing on some events to the detriment of others. This is because attention is a resource that needs to be distributed to those events that are important.?? Selective Visual Attention There are two major models describing how visual attention works. The spotlight model works much like it soundsâ€"it proposes that visual attention works similar to that of a spotlight. Psychologist William James suggested that this spotlight includes a focal point in which things are viewed clearly. The area surrounding this focal point, known as the fringe, is still visible, but not clearly seen. Finally, the area outside of the fringe area of the spotlight is known as the margin.??The second approach is known as the zoom-lens model. While it contains all the same elements of the spotlight model, it also suggests that we are able to increase or decrease the size of our focus much like the zoom lens of a camera. However, a larger focus area also results in slower-processing since it includes more information so the limited attentional resources must be distributed over a larger area.?? Selective Auditory Attention Some of the best-known experiments on auditory attention are those performed by psychologist Colin Cherry. Cherry investigated how people are able to track certain conversations while tuning others out, a phenomenon he referred to as the cocktail party effect.?? In these experiments, two auditory messages were presented simultaneously with one presented to each ear. Cherry then asked participants to pay attention to a particular message, and then repeat back what they had heard. He discovered that the participants were able to easily pay attention to one message and repeat it, but when they were asked about the contents of the other message, they were unable to say anything about it. Cherry found that when contents of the unattended message were suddenly switched (such as changing from English to German mid-message or suddenly playing backward) very few of the participants even noticed. Interestingly, if the speaker of the unattended message switched from male to female (or vice versa) or if the message was swapped with a 400-Hz tone, the participants always noticed the change. Cherrys findings have been demonstrated in additional experiments. Other researchers have obtained similar results with messages including lists of words and musical melodies. Theories of Selective Attention Theories of selective attention tend to focus on when stimulus information is attended to, either early in the process or late. Broadbents Filter Model One of the earliest theories of attention was Donald Broadbents filter model. Building on the research conducted by Cherry, Broadbent used an information-processing metaphor to describe human attention. He suggested that our capacity to process information is limited in terms of capacity, and our selection of information to process takes place early on in the perceptual process.?? In order to do this, we utilize a filter to determine which information to attend to. All stimuli are first processed based upon physical properties that include color, loudness, direction, and pitch. Our selective filters then allow for certain stimuli to pass through for further processing while other stimuli are rejected. Treismans Attenuation Theory Treisman suggested that while Broadbents basic approach was correct, it failed to account for the fact that people can still process the meaning of attended messages. Treisman proposed that instead of a filter, attention works by utilizing an attenuator that identifies a stimulus based on physical properties or by meaning.?? Think of the attenuator like a volume controlâ€"you can turn down the volume of other sources of information in order to attend to a single source of information. The volume or intensity of those other stimuli might be low, but they are still present. In experiments, Treisman demonstrated that participants were still able to identify the contents of an unattended message, indicating that they were able to process the meaning of both the attended and unattended messages. Memory Selection Models Other researchers also believed that Broadbents model was insufficient and that attention was not based solely on a stimuluss physical properties. The cocktail party effect serves as a prime example. Imagine that you are at a party and paying attention to the conversation among your group of friends. Suddenly, you hear your name mentioned by a group of people nearby. Even though you were not attending to that conversation, a previously unattended stimulus immediately grabbed your attention based on meaning rather than physical properties.?? According to the memory selection theory of attention, both attended and unattended messages pass through the initial filter and are then sorted at a second-stage based upon the actual meaning of the messages contents. Information that we attend to based upon meaning is then passed into short-term memory. Resource Theories of Selective Attention More recent theories tend to focus on the idea of attention being a limited resource and how those resources are divvied up among competing sources of information. Such theories propose that we have a fixed amount of attention available and that we must then choose how we allocate our available attentional reserves among multiple tasks or events. Attentional-resources theory has been criticized severely as overly broad and vague. Indeed, it may not stand alone in explaining all aspects of attention, but it complements filter theories quite well, suggests Robert Sternberg in his text, Cognitive Psychology, in summarizing the different theories of selective attention. Filter and bottleneck theories of attention seem to be more suitable metaphors for competing tasks that appear to be attentionally incompatible... Resource theory seems to be a better metaphor for explaining the phenomena of divided attention on complex tasks.?? Observations Several factors can influence selective attention in spoken messages. The location from where the sound originates can play a role. For example, you are probably more likely to pay attention to a conversation taking place right next to you rather than one several feet away. In his text, The Psychology of Attention, psychology professor Harold Pashler notes that simply presenting messages to different ears will not lead to the selection of one message over the other. The two messages must have some sort of non-overlap in time in order for one to be selectively attended to over the other. As mentioned previously, changes in pitch can also play a role in selectivity.?? The number of auditory selections that must be tuned out in order to attend to one can make the process more difficult. Imagine that you are in a crowded room and many different conversations are taking place all around you. Selectively attending to just one of those auditory signals can be very difficult, even if the conversation is taking place nearby. Learn more about how attention works, some of the things you can do to improve your attention, and why we sometimes miss what is right in front of us.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
In William Shakespeares The Tempest, the line between the...
In William Shakespeares The Tempest, the line between the realm of reality and illusion is blurred by Prospero, who through the use of his magic is able to manipulate and control both the island and those who are stranded on it. The duality between illusion and reality, the contrast between the natural and unnatural are being represented and questioned by Prosperos magic. Throughout the play, Shakespeare is stating that illusions can distort reality, but in the end reality will always makes itself apparent. Prospero orchestrates the events of the play with ease, his magic giving him the power to manipulate the characters and environment around him. This almost omniscient power that is presented pushes the audience to question what is†¦show more content†¦From the moment they arrive on the island to the time of their release and pardon, they are almost continually guided, prompted, and motivated by visions that Ariel, acting for Prospero, weaves before them and by the spells he casts upon them. Prosperos motivation behind all this manipulating is to provide the group of nobles, mainly Alonso and Antonio, to become of aware of their wrongdoings, repent for stripping away his dukedom and casting him out to isolation. The first illusion that Prospero casts is planting the idea that Ferdinand has drowned during the shipwreck firmly within the mind of his father Alonso. It doesnt take much for Alonso to be thoroughly convinced that his son is head, batting away any words that offer any hope. No, no, hes gone At this point in the play, Alonso has not associated the drowning and loss of his son with Prospero. He believes that this is the result of marrying off his daughter Claribel to an African prince. Losing both his children and heirs to the throne, he feels as though he cannot go on O thou mine heir/Of Naples and of Milan, what strange fish/Hath made his meal on thee? Antonio and Sebastian fall victim to Prosperos illusions as well. Ariel enters the scene and uses his music to put the entire group of nobles to sleep, with the exception of Antonio and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Essay
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and academically. It is my desire as a future educator to help students meet their fullest potential by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, and invites a sharing of ideas. There are two elements that I believe are essential to establishing such an environment, (1) allowing the child’s natural curiosity to direct his/her learning, and (2) promoting respect for all things and all people. Giving children the opportunity to study things that are meaningful and†¦show more content†¦I can also take the transformative approach and have people from different cultures come in to talk to the class and maybe we could sample food from different cultures and talk about issues that are important to them. Helping students to develop a deep love and respect for themselves, others, and their environment is what existentialism stresses. This occurs through an open sharing of ideas and a judicious approach to discipline. When the voice of each student is heard, an environment evolves where students feel free to express themselves. I believe children have greater respect for their teachers, their peers, and their lessons when they feel safe and sure of what is expected of them. In setting fair and consistent rules initially and stating the importance of every activity, students are shown respect for their presence and time. In turn, they learn to respect themselves, others, and their environment. Although my philosophy is based primarily on progressivism and existentialism, essentialism also plays an important role. Even though I believe that children should only work at their own pace and need to understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals, I do not believe that subject matter should be put second in the curriculum. I believeShow MoreRelatedEssay on My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement1439 Words  | 6 PagesMy Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others -Grayson Kirk. The teaching philosophy of progressivism focuses on developing the whole child. This philosophy not only teaches the core subject material, but it also allows the teacher to help develop the person the child is going to be. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Bizarre Secret of University of Texas Admission Essay Samples
The Bizarre Secret of University of Texas Admission Essay Samples Nevertheless, you don't necessarily have to make a locker, or utilize it should you've created it. At a big university you're only a number to some folks, and you are able to get lost in the crowd. As your oldest child starts to complete her college application, it's difficult not to feel a rising panic. Please be aware, students employing federal educational benefits are qualified for in-state tuition prices. We supply endless opportunities to learn in the classroom, but in addition an immense array of clinics and internships that allow you to learn in hands-on fashion. Size-wise, the programs are alike. Our study-abroad programs offer you many opportunities to study in other nations, too. You should talk to your high school counselor if you are not sure which test to take. TCU does not demand you to submit scores from any SAT Subject Tests, though you may desire to do so in the event you feel they will b oost your application for admission. Please click on any of the next degrees for extra program specific admission requirements. Naturally, but not only do you wish to extend your years on earth, you need to live well! It's available to see and print by January 31 of every year. It is starting to look like it! All students must do independent research as a portion of their degrees, and a few must have a foreign language program. Actually, a superior personal essay topic often fits within the boundaries of multiple Common App essay prompt alternatives. You are going to have more essays to write, and a fantastic essay takes time! Don't have somebody else write your essay, and don't wait to compose your essay. An excellent essay will reveal that you're the sort of person who can bounce back and learn from an experience. Requesting FedEx delivery doesn't guarantee priority processing of your purchase. Other delivery services might be used if you make arrangements ahead of tim e. New Questions About University of Texas Admission Essay Samples Just like with anything else these days, the world wide web has an unbelievable amount of sites with samples of various sorts of admission essays. Furthermore, you will understand a thumbnail of the native speakers who respond to every exercise. Have a way of rotating and editing video, that folks feel like they belong to a group. The very first place you need to search for sample personal statements is on the site of the school in which you are trying to enter. The University of Texas Admission Essay Samples Game Maybe you'll teach your floor-mates about exactly what makes for an excellent ice breaker. The most significant thing is that the premise of their endeavor to consider the planet, in an amount of maturity and caring. The End of University of Texas Admission Essay Samples In the center of the controversy, Ferguson's critics brought to light a variety of irregularities on the portion of the governo r. This very first question is broad and offers you lots of latitude. There are a lot of house traditions and events connected with each home. After you are in possession of a sufficient amount of information and many personal statement samples to reference you are able to then sit down and start to put down your thoughts for your statement. Food is another benefit of attending a huge university. With over 65 national chapters, the university's Greek community is among the country's largest. The Regents, though, can choose to allocate extra amounts to the university. As may be expected from one of the greatest universities in the planet, Stanford is highly competitive. With distinctive sand-coloured, red-roofed buildings, Stanford's campus is believed to be among the most beautiful on the planet. Colleges and universities wouldn't exist without students so the task of the college admissions office is important to the diversity and financial health of any university. If necessary, forms might be found on the UTSA site. This information isn't designed to be comprehensive and is subject to change. CAP students who opt to remain at UTSA rather than transfer to UT Austin should finish a form indicating they are opting from the joint program. Click the links below to find out more about these programs.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Blade Runner Analytical Essay Example For Students
Blade Runner Analytical Essay Blade Runner written by Ridley Scott is a movie based in the future. It is Scott’s depiction of what is to become of Earth. But technological advances shown in Blade Runner have come to a point where humanity can be questioned. Reality is blurred and the nature of what is human is changing. Replicants appear identical to humans and even have emotions, while the real humans appear cold and unemotional. So who is really human and what does it mean to be humane? Technology is a key part of the movie and its advances are shown through out the movie. Deckard lives in a world with man made animals, flying cars, off world colonies and more importantly manufactured humans called replicants. The fact that the replicants are equal to humans physically and even mentally is troubling and brings forward major questions. But with all these advancements Los Angeles is portrayed by Scott as a dark and gloomy wasteland of mostly empty high rise buildings and full of dark alleys and dirty streets. It is not a nice looking place and is without trees and animals, left is only the formidable skyscrapers and manufactured animals. It seems to have consumed everything as no attempt is made to show elsewhere. With the off world colonies to go to, Earth has been abandoned and all thats left is a polluted wasteland for the rejects and lowlifes. The humans inhabiting Earth are shown to be cold, brutal and lacking any compassion. There are the cops like Bryant and Gaff who appear gloomy and unemotional just doing there jobs and having little regard for the replicants or â€Å"skin jobs†as Bryant called them. Asians are shown frequently the movie and make up the bulk of people on the street. This makes the city look like a big China town with the Asians selling anything from take away food to manufactured animals. These people must not be important enough to go to the off world colonies or don’t want to go. The rest of people shown are street scums, cripples, midgets and sick people like J. R Sebastion who has a life shortening disease. Lastly there is Tyrell who is the powerful god like figure who seems to rule and dominate the city with the towering buildings. The replicants in Blade Runners are almost identical to humans, as they physically look exactly identical to normal people. They even make there own decisions, have emotions and Roy even shows compassion at the end. Bauldy, Zhora and Pris just want to survive and do not have or show developed emotions. Rachael differs to them as we see her find out she is a replicant. She is nieve was unaware of what she was. But Rachael shows emotions and reveals her personal side later on. Roy Batty is the leader of the rouge replicants and is shown as a prodigal son returning to his maker. He is the Nexus 6 model replicant and shows superior strength and intelligence and returns to Tyrell hi maker. Roy is a designed as a killing machine but he shows more than that. At the end he shows compassion and pity for Deckard and saves him, then dies with dignity. The technology of Earth has come to a point where the replicants which, are not born but manufactured by humans are so real that they are almost undetectable. They show all the signs of being human and especially Rachael and Roy appear to be humane. With the real humans being so cold and unemotional puts forward the question of what makes someone human or humane. In the dark and gloomy world the replicants are vulnerable and struggling for life. Does a machine do this? Does it come to the point where we need to give the replicants rights that we demand? That is the result of such technological advances that we may take our selves and then Ridley Scott’s book may not be fiction.
Friday, April 3, 2020
How Did Race, Class and Gender Interact in 17th Century Virginia Essay Sample free essay sample
Race. category and gender interacted in seventeenth Century Virginia in several of import ways which include the English altering the slave system that was non based on race into one that was. population of free inkinesss were besides purely controlled which resulted in their slave position as being inevitable and they created the perceptual experience that maleness and muliebrity merely existed among white work forces and adult females. The first jurisprudence to know apart inkinesss from the Europeans was created in 1640 where all inkinesss except freeholders were banned from bearing weaponries. Not being able to bear weaponries meant that in no manner were the black able to contend against their unjust intervention. The black apprenticed retainers were besides treated below the belt when it came to penalties. This can be seen with the instance of John Punch. He and two other white retainers tried to get away to Maryland but ended up being caught. We will write a custom essay sample on How Did Race, Class and Gender Interact in 17th Century Virginia Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The two white retainers merely had to function 3 excess old ages while John Punch was sentenced to function for life. ( Film Slavery and the Making of America ) To force racial bondage farther. a jurisprudence was implemented that banned nonwhites from buying Whites. This ensured that Whites could neer be retainers under inkinesss ; inkinesss were ever of a lower category to Whites. Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676 was another instance where we see unjust penalty being handed out to the inkinesss. When Nathaniel Bacon died all of a sudden. the enslaved had no where to travel and were captured by the new ground forces England had sent. The leader of the ground forces said that those Whites that surrendered would acquire a few excess old ages of service but inkinesss that surrendered got service for life alternatively of decease. ( C. D. ) More unfairness followed with the act in 1687. â€Å"Speedy Prosecution of the Negros and Other Slaves. †This jurisprudence saw differences in how the black and white that committed capital offenses were prosecuted. Blacks were prosecuted in the county they committed the offense whereas White persons were sent to the capital for test. The Slave Code in 1705 besides stated that Blacks were non allowed to keep office. â€Å"the codification forbade nonwhite people from keeping any ecclesiastical. civil or military office. regardless of position. therefore denying them any significant function in the settlement. †( The Laws of Sla very. Pg. 121 ) The status of the female parent jurisprudence that was passed in 1662 by the house of Anthony burgesss at first seemed matrilinear but in fact wasn’t. The jurisprudence was to let the great plantation owners to asseverate authorization over the kid of the enslaved adult females in other words leting the proprietor to do the kid his slave. The jurisprudence besides stated any kid born after 1662 was bound to slavery. Earlier in 1658. the male parent of the kid had the option of counterbalancing the employer for maintaining the kid. ( C. D. ) This new jurisprudence meant that slave owners could ravish their slaves to do more slaves for them in the hereafter. The crossbreeding jurisprudence in 1662 on the other manus fined white adult females for kiping with black work forces because the kid that came out of a white adult females was free from bondage. The English thought that a relationship between a free white adult females and an enslaved black work forces was â€Å"implicitly most unsafe to the societal order and endangering to patriarchal authorization. belongings and security of labour. †( The Laws of Slavery. pg. 116 ) Blacks slaves that were freed by manumission were to be transported out of the settlement within six moths. this is another manner the governments controlled the population of free inkinesss in Virginia. In 1705. Robert Beverley’s missive provinces that by the jurisprudence of the state. upon freedom â€Å"each slave has so besides the right to take up 50 estates of land where he can happen any unpatented. †Although when inkinesss were freed they were asked to go forth the settlement because they didn’t want the population of free inkinesss to increase in the settlement. The scarceness of white adult females in the settlement encouraged the assembly to suppress the usage of white adult females on the field. This made white adult females dependants because they did non work. In add-on to that. their gender was controlled by censoring them from kiping with black work forces. This made white adult females seem more feminine compared to black adult females. The Virginia revenue enhancement jurisprudence in 1643 besides taxed all black work forces and adult females but exempted white adult females because. â€Å"according to English usage. they were considered family dependants. †( The Laws of Slavery. pg. 119 ) Even free white adult females were tithed as labourers. This non merely made black households suffer from economic desolation but it besides ensured that inkinesss were ever seen as labourers while white work forces and adult females were seen to be more masculine and feminine. Clearly. unjust penalties catered towards the inkinesss created a sense that whites were a superior race compared to inkinesss which lead to racial bondage. In add-on. the Torahs implemented to guarantee inkinesss were ever slaves and could neer roll up belongings manifested a sense of category among inkinesss and Whites in Virginia. Finally the unjust taxing of black adult females and non white adult females together with the limitation of white female workers to work on Fieldss created a sense of gender high quality among Whites.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Outstation
W. Somerset Maugham’s â€Å"The Outstation†tells an entertaining story that comments on the human condition itself. It is a story based on the conflicts of two very different men. These characters seem drawn from reality, each living in their own little world. Pride blinds them to the world around them, and leads them to misery. Conflict and character are central to Maugham’s theme. Maugham reveals facets of the characters with a few techniques. Through dialogue, we get hints at what the characters feel about each other and themselves. We also find out what kind of people they are through their use of language. For example, it is clear in the way Mr. Warburton speaks that he is prim and cultivated. When Allen Cooper speaks, it is clear that he is rough around the edges because of his use of jargon. We also learn a lot about the character through the use of their actions. Daily routines and treatment of others by the characters give us more insight into who they are. Through authorial comment, the narration gives us more understanding of each character. These techniques also show us the building conflict in the story. The conflict between the two characters starts right at the beginning of the story when the Resident, Mr. Warburton, is first introduced to his new assistant, Allen Cooper. Bad chemistry and tension between the two is noticed immediately. Warburton and Cooper are very different men and this first scene illustrates this with their differences in mannerisms and language. Cooper speaks, at first, with â€Å"exuberant joviality.†Warburton is â€Å"polite†. Cooper speaks with slang and colloquialisms; he is very casual. Mr. Warburton speaks formally and is even frigid. Here the dialogue leads us to see their differences in class, age, and character. Mr. Warburton is a stout fifty-four year old man. When his face is described by the narrator, it is a â€Å"red face with pugnacious features†and â€Å"cle... Free Essays on Outstation Free Essays on Outstation W. Somerset Maugham’s â€Å"The Outstation†tells an entertaining story that comments on the human condition itself. It is a story based on the conflicts of two very different men. These characters seem drawn from reality, each living in their own little world. Pride blinds them to the world around them, and leads them to misery. Conflict and character are central to Maugham’s theme. Maugham reveals facets of the characters with a few techniques. Through dialogue, we get hints at what the characters feel about each other and themselves. We also find out what kind of people they are through their use of language. For example, it is clear in the way Mr. Warburton speaks that he is prim and cultivated. When Allen Cooper speaks, it is clear that he is rough around the edges because of his use of jargon. We also learn a lot about the character through the use of their actions. Daily routines and treatment of others by the characters give us more insight into who they are. Through authorial comment, the narration gives us more understanding of each character. These techniques also show us the building conflict in the story. The conflict between the two characters starts right at the beginning of the story when the Resident, Mr. Warburton, is first introduced to his new assistant, Allen Cooper. Bad chemistry and tension between the two is noticed immediately. Warburton and Cooper are very different men and this first scene illustrates this with their differences in mannerisms and language. Cooper speaks, at first, with â€Å"exuberant joviality.†Warburton is â€Å"polite†. Cooper speaks with slang and colloquialisms; he is very casual. Mr. Warburton speaks formally and is even frigid. Here the dialogue leads us to see their differences in class, age, and character. Mr. Warburton is a stout fifty-four year old man. When his face is described by the narrator, it is a â€Å"red face with pugnacious features†and â€Å"cle...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Parks and Recreation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Parks and Recreation - Assignment Example He quoted several challenges he has come across. These were like the fluctuating number of visitors, the low income due to competitions with other national parks and the way to manage the staff and his subordinates. He elaborated how difficult it has been to manage people, whose goals are different, putting their diverse ideas together and making them to move towards a particular goal. Been the manager of the park, Luther displayed to me his extensive budget. Severally, he kept confirming one or two points from his records. His department had budgeted for $ 250,000 from the government allocation. In his budget, he has a list of objectives and activities to work on. These included extension of the park services to add more activities like bird watching and camping. His list of expenses also included motivation of workers through salary and wage increment, advertising the park to attract more visitors and introduction of modern technology in their services like online booking. I learnt from the way he emphasized, that these were among the long set goals and objectives of the park include in the mission but were never achieved due to poor management and lack of government support. Before we parted, I could read from his expressions, the zeal of Luther in application of his leadership qualities and skills in making the park one of the major attraction sites in US (Pet ersen
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Multiple Intelligences and its relationship to curriculum development Research Paper
Multiple Intelligences and its relationship to curriculum development - Research Paper Example Similar to machines, MI theory improves learners’ cognitive skills. It motivates learners to ponder about content outside usual limits, and from various points of view. Parents, educators, and community supporters are attracted to the discipline. As learners embark on the course of physical activity and health management, they begin to think about their ties to specific socio-cultural ideals and objectives, government rules and agendas, and community programs (Sternberg & Williams, 1998). Diverse and new cultural, political, and social theories contribute to the scope and importance of health education. This essay has two objectives: (1) to recommend a structure for health education, (2) to provide a brief overview of the theory of multiple intelligences (MI) theory, and (3) to show how MI theory develops teaching practices, curriculum development, and student performance related to the behaviors, competencies, and knowledge related to health management. ... eories of intelligence can offer a neutral basis between the perspective that there is an exclusive mechanism in which minds function and the idea that every mind is distinct (Armstrong, 2000). Obviously, theories are just assumptions; but in trying to understand the workings of the mind and, in particular, the intelligences in classroom, a relevant theory can assist teachers in understanding the unexpected behaviors and attitudes that students show. Practically every facet of classroom life, one way or another, created around what educators would like children to gain knowledge of and become skilled at, and how they perceive they are most likely to achieve it. In traditional classroom settings, desks or armchairs are organized in a row and students sit obediently and silently much of the day. In alternative classroom settings, there are work areas or stations, each assigned for individual forms of activity. From the actual structure of the room, to the contents of homework, to the i ssues raised in class discussions, to the materials given, each step a teacher takes shows, to a certain extent, a thought about learning and intelligence. The Implication of Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory for Teaching and Curriculum Development The theory of multiple intelligences poses numerous issues for curriculum development and classroom practice. Should educators make an effort to cultivate all forms of intelligences evenly or should they concentrate on determining and enhancing the strengths of children? Should education institutions provide a broader range of courses or should they continue a fixed curriculum and give more diverse means of involving learners in the traditional subjects? It is essential to bear in mind that MI is not a goal as such. If a teacher claims, â€Å"I
Monday, January 27, 2020
Media And Violence Against Women Media Essay
Media And Violence Against Women Media Essay There has been an exponential growth in the media over the last fifty years. We have witnessed the advent of technology with the development of; telegraph, newspaper, magazines, television to internet. No doubt, the advance has been tremendous. Modern society depends hugely on information. Communication is important at work, health care, personal relationships traveling, and entertainment. Indeed most of our decisions, values, and beliefs are based on our assumptions, facts we know, our values, our studies and our experience. In our daily lives, we rely hugely on information we get from the media. Our trust on media as an indisputable authority to give us entertainment, news, and education is evident in all civilized nations of the modern world. People are at all times being exposed and bombarded constantly with thousand of sex, celebrities, advertising, violence and much more. Indeed, a modern child is exposed to more than 40,000 adverts each day. It is then imperative that we appreciate the role of the media to shape our values, beliefs, and decisions. Every six hours, a woman is murdered in South Africa. Each day, two women are killed in Guatemala. In every 15 seconds in Sao Paulo, Brazil, a woman is assaulted. In U.S.A, within a span of six minutes, a woman is raped. In Europe, 50% of women go through sexual harassment, or physical contact where they work.6000 women are genitallly mutilated in North Africa every day. In China, more than 15,000 women will be sold to sexual slavery this year. This grim statistics points to the fact that violence on women is rooted in the global culture of discrimination. This is a human rights issue. Legitimization of women bodies for individuals and political gratification is disturbing. Each year, community, and home violence devastates and shatters lives of millions of women throughout the world. In 2009, 8000 women were raped in Democratic Republic of Congo. This is a society where combatants have a prevalence rate of 60% H.I.V (Amnesty international, 2010). This form of violence cannot be justified by any cultural, religious, and political claim. Violence is being allowed to happen daily by the prevailing global culture with impunity. Every time when women are terrorized, raped by soldiers as spoils of war, abused in custody, battered at home; what is manifested is unequal power between men and women. This reduces their choices and worsens their plight. Governments all over the world have legal, social, economic duties to protect and punish any form of abuse done on women. This is a responsibility they must sustain with due diligence to protect individual rights from abuses. Violence against women manifests itself in a number of ways. When in custody, aggression on happens due to unevenness of control between inmates and guards is because of dependency on correctional officers and the ability of the guards to hold on privileges. In order to get food or personal hygiene products, women are coerced into supplying sex for favors. Though these crimes are prevalent, perpetrators are rarely held accountable (Division for the Advancement of Women, UN, 2006) Honor Killings; In some countries, if suspected of extra marital relations, even in the case of rape, the cruelest form of indignity and violence is meted on women. Those who are raped are incapable of providing overt substantiation and are occasionally accused of Zina .This is especially so in Iran. The punishment is often stoning .Laws such as these only serve to aggravate and inhibit women from pursuing cases of those who raped them.Making an assumption that the woman is guilty, male respective families believe the only form of dealing with the infringement of honor is to kill the woman. The presence of pornographic videos and images in the media portrays women as cheap and objects of personal gratification. This is a widespread phenomenon, highly commercialized form of business, whose existence is solely because of media reliance. It should be noted that it is the electronic media that hosts most of these demeaning and distasteful images. The fact that the media will place the woman as an object brings about the expected setback of women rights being violated. Domestic violence; this is a global pandemic. With no exception, a womans greatest risk is from someone she knows. Resentment at homes is a contravention of a womans physical right, veracity, and right to being. When basic steps are not taken to curb this abuse, crimes of this nature are allowed to prevail Female Genital Mutilation; F.G.M is the removal of every or a fraction of women external genitalia. In Africa, it is being practiced in more than 28 countries. With dire consequences, an estimated 135 million women have undergone FGM .Though legislation against the practice exists in these countries where it is practiced, complete lack of enforcement and persecution of the perpetrators only ensures that the whole problem continues to thrive (Human Rights Watch, 2010). In the case of sexual orientations, cultural norms and sometimes-legal measures support regulation of sexuality. Families, cultural networks, media, institutions, and religion regulate womens sexuality. A good number of women alleged to be or are lesbians go from end to end through abuses meted by private sector, police, family, and state authorities. Multiple cases of beating, rape, forced impregnation, or marriage are reported to having been inflicted to such persons. In United States, lesbians consistently face well-founded fears of attack or persecution by police because of their identity. On regular basis, this form of violence occurs (Renzetti Bergen, 2005). Consequently, we can say that a Gender Based Asylum case scenario is brought to light. Here, fear of persecution or discrimination by women is considered for the purposes of refugee status. Forcible abortion, female genital mutilation, domestic violence, and honor killings are forms of persecutions that allow one to seek asylum. However, women seeking asylum in many countries rarely gain the refugee status based on claims of these forms of violence. Restrictive interpretation of the international definition of persecution of refugees is severe. In particular, lesbians fear disclosing their sexuality based on violence generated from such disclosure (Malamuth Check, 2004). On the Problem of Impunity, most women fail to report abuses against them because most Government departments are accomplices of gender discrimination. Ostracization, lack of resources, and shame from communities causes most women to fail to seek legal redress to crimes committed against them. Challenging of abusers in a court of law is often long, tedious, humiliating where authorities and those present dwell on sympathy other than empathy (Crowell Burgess, 1996). The brutality meted on women is so widespread that it often fails to invite outrage and censure from members of the public. One in four women experience violence by an intimate partner. Yearly, thousands and thousands of women are recruited to prostitution. In addition, thousand of girls are forced to genital mutilation. In armed conflicts, forces and groups do sexual assaults as an act of war. Violent acts rarely results from one cause. Many things come play. The influence of the mass media is viewed as part of the many potential factors that influence the abuse on women. Constant broadcasting of media violence on women promotes aggressive behavior in young children contributing to increased aggressiveness and ultimately violent behavior many years later. Abuse against girls and women takes various forms. Economic, sexual, psychological, and sexual form. All form these forms of abuse are related and affect women from the onset of their life to their death. This violence is not concentrated to a particular country, region, or to a particular group of people in the society. It is widespread and with it are repercussions the society cannot afford to allow. Indeed 70% of women experience abuse in their lifetime. This has debilitating effects on the society because it leads to women impoverishment, family disintegration, and erosion of progress in communities and Nations (Ferrell Websdale, 1999). Media is a double-edged sword. It has the power to influence the society in a positive way as well as influence it in the most destructive form. It will not be fair to note that although there has been a tremendous progress championed by the media in addressing violence against women, electronic as well as print media has played a complementary role in encouraging degradation of women (Cuklanz Moorti, 2009). Largely, the media is as guilty as charged for promoting violence against women. Media violence leads to an increase in aggressions and real world violence. Film violence and fictional television contribution to both long term and short term rise in silence and aggression against women. Imitative rapes, filmed sexual acts, and pornography portrayals in movies tend to compound the problem of women abuse in the society. Media violence and real world violence relationship tends to be moderated by the nature of the media content and social influences and the characteristics on the individuals exposed to that content. This overall size of effect is big enough to place it in the category of known threats to women rights. Exposure to violence on television and video games increases risk of violent behavior on the part of the viewers (Byerly Ross, 2006). Accumulation of body research is consistent and clear that television violence causes an increase in violent and aggressive behavior. It leads to acquisition of beliefs, attitudes, schemes, and scripts that increase the risk of aggressive and violent behavior in the observer of media violence. Media has always played a significant role to address issues of health, economy, and politics. If similar energy is focused on the issue of eliminating violence, it can play a vital role. Victimization of females in storylines reduces perceptions of violence. Media monitoring, an African institution that advocates fair journalism reported that there is a shortage of women journalists in major media outlets in the continent. Where they exist, the people controlling stakes in these media institutions restrict their roles. These people are either the management or the owners. They are therefore denied a chance to highlight issues pertinent to their plight. According to Meyers (1997), it is of prime importance to be responsible always on how to present news in matters regarding violence on women. The media has the role of making these events however challenging or sad to be a moral lesson to all the viewers. There is an acknowledgement that the media is a strong influence in our age. However, responsible use can sway the influence in a positive direction. Studies show that even in female friendly nations, news reporting remains dominated by men. Almost half of journalists are women in these countries; however, three out of the four seniors in the media industry are men. This is a serious disparity. It denies women an avenue in which to address issues pertinent to them. The media should be the watchdog of international organizations making effort to stem the spread of violence against women. Campaigns such as UNITE should be given needful coverage to raise awareness of the initiative noble goals. The media should follow up on the progress Nations of the world are making to meet the set target in 2015 when the issue of aggression on women should be eliminated. Nations should marry their own initiatives with the wider programs that are already in various countries to ensure that conducive legal environment is provided to deal with offenders and mitigate against further injuries being inflicted upon women. Intergovernmental cooperation is also of prime importance to stop trafficking of women for sexual slavery. It is only through such concerted efforts that the war will be won. As United Nations Secretary General observes, there is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures, and communities: Abuse on women is never acceptable, never excusable, and never tolerable. This is a noble dream that should be supported by all.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Investigating the Brightness of Light Shining on the Light Dependant Resistor :: ldr experiment
Investigating the Brightness of Light Shining on the Light Dependant Resistor The aim of my investigation is to investigate how the brightness (intensity) of light shining on the LDR (Light Dependant Resistor) affects the Resistance. We can change the intensity using different methods. One method is to increase the voltage, by plugging the power supply to a higher voltage. But this method can be hard as you might not be able to know how higher the voltage is, it might be harder to have access to higher voltage, as it is dangerous. Another way is to change the brightness by adjusting the power supply. Also the distance between the bulb and the LDR is another method, if the distance is bigger, the less bright it would be. If the distance is less/smaller, the denser it will be. We could also use different bulbs and power supply, with a higher voltage and energy, the higher the voltage, the brighter the light bulb. But this may be hard, as we might not have many different power supplies or bulbs. I could also put different densities of filter between the bulb and LDR. The last method that I could use is to use different sizes of the apertures used in the experiment. If an aperture is more open, then more light will flow through, but if the aperture is more closed then light will hardly pass through. I am going to use the method of changing the distance, because this is the easiest method to carry out. Also the results from this method of experiment would be more accurate as it is easy to record the results through this method. We will send the current through the LDR; a Voltmeter/Ammeter will measure the current. The measurement unit 'Amps' (A) is not sensitive enough to measure smaller current; therefore we measured the current in 'Milliamps' (MA). From my Preliminary Study, I have discovered the appropriate distances that I will use in my final experiment. As there will be 5 readings, there will be 5 different distances.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Juan Luna and Filipinos Great Pride Essay
The first thing you’ll notice about the painting is its size. Standing at 4 meters in height and 7 meters in width, the painting no doubt commands attention and gives off a majestic aura. Any viewer of the painting will feel dwarfed by the large painting and may feel overwhelmed by the magnanimity of it. The next thing you’ll notice about the Spoliarium is the rich colors used. Predominantly, the painter made use of warm colors for his work of art, with reds being a central color that attracts the most attention. In person, the colors are striking and quite unique. The Spoliarium depicts an even during the Roman empire, where gladiators die for entertainment. The painting shows how gladiators are being dragged mercilessly by men towards an unknown darkness, where other tragically killed gladiators are brought. To the left is a cheering crowd, screaming for blood while to the right, a woman is crouched and seemingly in sorrow. The painting shows a tragic event, definitely. But it also shows a deeper meaning, especially for the Filipinos during the time of the Spanish colonization (which lasted over 400 years!). According to art experts, the fallen gladiators who are being dragged are the Filipino people, while the men dragging them into the darkness are representative of the Spanish rule. The woman crouched on the right side of the painting is believed to be the Mother Country or the Inang Bayan who weeps for her Philippines. The blood thirsty crowd to the left is a representation of the social cancer of that time. Truly, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Luna’s painting. The Spoliarium shows the Spanish government’s mistreatment of the Philippines. The dead bodies of the gladiators represent the Spanish killings of Filipino revolutionaries. The Spoliarium is famous among the Filipino people, to say the least. The fact that Luna had gained recognition among other Spaniards in Madrid because of this painting has given the Filipinos great pride. This also shows that the Filipinos have skills that can equal, if not, surpass the Europeans of that time. This is why the painting, along with Hidalgo’s, are deemed National Cultural Treasures, because they were able to contribute to the development of art in the Philippines. The Spoliarium can be found in the Hall of the Masters of The National Museum of the Philippines. Whether you are a foreigner or a local, take a few hours off your schedule to visit the museum and learn more about Philippine culture and history through the eyes of its artists. It is an educational and enriching experience.
Friday, January 3, 2020
`` Rites Of Spring `` By Modris Eksteins - 921 Words
Published in 1989, Modris Eksteins’ book, â€Å"Rites of Spring†argues that World War I, with Germany specifically as a catalyst, is the turning point of modernism. As Eksteins explains it, World War I was the final battle between the old world and the new, modern, world. To put it simply: England and her allies represented the old ways, while Germany and her allies represented new ways. Eksteins believed that the end of the nineteenth century was filled with urges for modernism with Germany leading the way as the â€Å"modernist nation par excellence of our century†Throughout the three acts of his novel, Eksteins continues to address how Germany, and both world wars, managed to battle the old ways of the nineteenth century and as a result continue into the twentieth century with humanity completely disillusioned as a whole. Paying homage to the Russian ballet â€Å"The Rite of Spring†with his novel’s title, Eksteins begins his analysis of World War I by discussing Stravinsky’s ballet, which premiered in 1913. The ballet, which shocked audiences by straying from what was most accepted during the time, is used in comparison to Germany and both world wars. According to Eksteins, both the ballet and Germany share similar notions of sacrifice being essential to life, and glorify death. Germany, specifically, glorified death as a means of fighting against the old orders in search of liberation and global acceptance of modernism. Therefore, Germany’s reasoning for fighting in World War IShow MoreRelatedThe Rites Of Spring By A Modris Ekstein1527 Words  | 7 PagesThe novel â€Å"The Rites of Spring†is written by a Modris Ekstein is a Latvian author whose family was negatively impacted by the German occupation during the war. This literary work is based on the Eksteinâ €™s claims about modernisms influence in the cause of World War 1. He divides the book into the acts similar to the play in that is the books namesake. Throughout this work, Ekstein argues that the ideology of modernism, which is primarily concerned with â€Å"introspection, death, emancipation, primitivismRead MoreEssay The Rites of Spring by Modris Eksteins1028 Words  | 5 PagesModris Eksteins presented a tour-de-force interpretation of the political, social and cultural climate of the early twentieth century. His sources were not merely the more traditional sources of the historian: political, military and economic accounts; rather, he drew from the rich, heady brew of art, music, dance, literature and philosophy as well. Eksteins examined ways in which life influenced, imitated, and even became art. Eksteins argues that life and art, as well as death, became so intermeshedRead MoreEuropean History as Told Through Diaghilevs Rite of Spring Essay example1030 Words  |à ‚ 5 PagesCentury is seen as the ‘modern era’. So where in between these two extremes can historians label a turning point as the end of one era, and the start of another? Modris Eksteins offers his view in Rites of Spring, where he uses the Russian ballet of the same name as a metaphor for the changing society during the World War I era. Eksteins views Germany as being the most modern nation in Europe, despite the outcome of the war, and sees its characteristics in the ballet, with Serge Diaghilev as the ringmasterRead MoreHannah Arendt, Totalitarianism ( New York ; Harcourt, 1976 )1663 Words  | 7 Pagesvalues. These are generally quite instruction from the book as well as the alerts: self-interest can be normal. (Kovaly, 1986). MODRIS EKSTEINS, RITES OF SPRING (NEW YORK: HOUGHTON MIFFLIN, 2000) Modris Eksteins, within his publication Rites of Spring, points out the first entire World War because of it’s pivotal time in modern-day history and also consciousness. Eksteins’ discussion is that the modern world is concerned with death, emancipation, introspection, movement, primitivism, abstraction andRead MoreAutomatism In The Rite Of Spring By Viktor Sklovsky1089 Words  | 5 Pagesperceive. Through this strategy, art will be removed from automatism and the length of our perceptions will be prolonged- allowing for the aestheticizing of art. This strategy is exemplified in the Rites of Spring by Modris Eksteins (derived from Stravinsky’s ballet, Rite of Spring). In this novel, Eksteins describes the shock factor that this ballet produced. Stravinsky hoped to design this ballet in a way that was not meant to teach or imitate but to provoke genuine experience. 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Iron is a predominant image throughout All Quiet on the Western Front. Iron is a tough, strong, and resilient material that is used for weapons, but also describes the
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